For your
HYBRID moderation

Ferry van Saalbach

Your moderator for well thought-out hybrid events in the technology sector

Hybrid events have become an integral part of modern companies. A successful realization though requires a professional hybrid event moderator who can keep an eye on the dramaturgy on the one hand and the technology on the other. 

Hybrid events are characterized by the fusion of real and virtual participants. The degree of interaction varies depending on the type of event. A professional hybrid event moderator who understands how the technology works and can incorporate this into their moderation is essential for the seamless coordination of all participants. 

With Ferry as a moderator, our webinars take on a whole new quality. I would never have thought beforehand that a moderator could make such an enormous difference to a webinar.

Ulrich Baisch

Chief Information Officer of Bechtle AG

What makes my HYBRID EVENT moderation special

For me as a hybrid event presenter, technology is not an annoying evil, but an exciting field in which I can try out new functions, explain them and use them profitably. I also convey this fun to all participants. 


Step 1: Think through the technology

A good hybrid event moderator checks the technology at a hybrid event not only for functionality, but above all for consistency. What are the advantages of integrating which technology, what challenges does it pose and how can it be handled sensibly? The moderator of a hybrid event should think the whole thing through with their client beforehand. 

Step 2: Function test

A frequent source of errors at hybrid events is the diversity of the technology due to the various forms of connection. A professional moderator conducts a dress rehearsal with the most important participants of the hybrid event in advance to ensure that all microphones and cameras work and that potential sources of error are not discovered during the event. 



Step 3: Stay relaxed

Even with all professional preparation, hybrid events are and remain susceptible to unforeseen disruptions or failures. A hybrid event moderator must be able to create understanding for this, offer or moderate solutions during the event and thus keep the tension in the hybrid event high. 

Frequently asked questions about HYBRID EVENT moderation

What is a hybrid event?

A hybrid event combines participants who are actually present with those who are virtually connected. It is characterized by a high degree of interaction. Spectators can often get into conversation with stage guests. It is therefore advisable to have a professional hybrid event moderator who can accompany and stimulate interaction. 

Events that "take place as hybrids" connect people in different places. On the one hand, there are participants who are actually present at a specific location or studio and, on the other, participants who are connected via a virtual channel. Hybrid events can be designed in so many different ways that there is no fixed specification for the channel through which participants, audience and presenter come together. 

Success factors for hybrid events are, on the one hand, a functioning, but above all value-creating technology and, on the other hand, a well thought-out dramaturgy and moderation that picks up on the naturally increased interaction between the participants, stimulates it and thus makes it a positive experience for everyone. 

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